maandag 17 januari 2011

zondag 16 januari 2011

Eat your Spoon!

Yesterday we had a lovely little friends dinner at home...
On the menu was TAPAS. We served little cups of tomato soup with these cute spoons!

Easy & Simple to make. Enjoy Your sunday!

maandag 10 januari 2011

zondag 9 januari 2011

An inspiring new Brand: GILLY HICKS!

With Christmas I visited the USA... and in Miami I found this new brand: GILLY HICKS!
It's a sister of Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister.. but this brand is only for girls & woman.
With inspiration from Sydney, bondi beach etc they created a amazing underwear statement.
When you enter the shop, you wil be surprised... I've never seen so much bra's and undies in my live together.
Check out:

zaterdag 27 november 2010

Fly away with me...

Sometimes, you wish you could just take a plane, to a another world....
We, Nina & Philippine love travelling!

woensdag 3 november 2010

Organised Cooking?

Mooie site: Iefke de Roos

Mooie, inspirerende website met allerlei leuke krabbeltjes, tekeningetjes en mooie fotografie.

Lovely, inspiring website with all kinds of nice drabbles, drawings and beautiful photography.